Cantamos once mil veces el mantra Kundalini Surjhee. Nos lleva 5 días. En la sala de trabajo suena una cinta sin fin. Cada participante elige cuantas horas editar y cuando. Es una meditación para subir la energía, rejuvenecer y fortalecer cuerpo y mente.
jinahu baat nischal dharoo-a
jaanee tay-ee jeev kaal tay bachaa.
tinH tari-o samudar rudar khin ik
meh jalhar bimb jugat jag rachaa.
kundlanee surjhee satsangat
parmaanand guroo mukh machaa
siree guroo saahib sabh oopar
man bach krem sayvee-ai sachaa.
Those who realize the Eternal, Unchanging Word of God,
like Dhroo, are immune to death
They cross over the terrifying world-ocean in an instant;
the Lord created the world like a bubble of water.
The Kundalini rises in the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation;
through the Word of the Guru, they enjoy the Lord of Supreme Bliss.
The Supreme Guru is the Lord and Master over all;
so serve the True Guru, in thought, word and deed.
Cantamos once mil veces el mantra Kundalini Surjhee. Nos lleva 5 días. En la sala de trabajo suena una cinta sin fin. Cada participante elige cuantas horas editar y cuando. Es una meditación para subir la energía, rejuvenecer y fortalecer cuerpo y mente.
jinahu baat nischal dharoo-a
jaanee tay-ee jeev kaal tay bachaa.
tinH tari-o samudar rudar khin ik
meh jalhar bimb jugat jag rachaa.
kundlanee surjhee satsangat
parmaanand guroo mukh machaa
siree guroo saahib sabh oopar
man bach krem sayvee-ai sachaa.
Those who realize the Eternal, Unchanging Word of God,
like Dhroo, are immune to death
They cross over the terrifying world-ocean in an instant;
the Lord created the world like a bubble of water.
The Kundalini rises in the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation;
through the Word of the Guru, they enjoy the Lord of Supreme Bliss.
The Supreme Guru is the Lord and Master over all;
so serve the True Guru, in thought, word and deed.