Sat Nam Rasayan Level 2 offers agility and efficiency to the meditator. It interests people who want to delve into the system. It is designed for those who want to heal in a more intense or professional way. It also offers tools so that the daily relationship with others is more intuitive and effective.
Everything in the material world (including the psyche) has a form. Some have high symbolic power and great energy. Thus, for example, you can use symbolic drawings (yantras), allow sounds of power (mantras), place your hands (mudras) or body in certain gestures or postures (asanas), arrange a certain number of objects (numerology), use stones, sacred objects, and endless possibilities. The healer opens his space, individualizes and limits himself to allowing that form to act, only qualifying the intensity of the relationship.
Elements and Chakras
The Tantras and the Vedas establish that matter is composed of five elements: earth, water, fire, air and ether. Each element has physical and psychological qualities; they are also associated with certain organs and functions. The advantage of elements is that we can feel them.
Land: density, solidity, shape, security, survival, bones, connective tissue.
Water: flexibility, adaptation, humidity, origin of life, creativity, sexuality, emotionality, genito-urinary apparatus, blood and all body fluids.
Fire: vibration, beginning of movement, vitality, stomach, intestines, pancreas, muscles, heart, light, intelligence
Air: movement, circulation, thought, nervous system, prana in the energy channels, breathing, immunity
Ether: it is the empty space where matter sits; it is also any of the other four elements in their most subtle state. It is the silence, the relationship, the communicated, the sound, the art, the dream, the death, the limitless and empty..
The cosmogony of Chakras establishes that the organism is a conglomeration of organs and energy. There are seven pranic centers or chakras; each one is related to specific aspects of the human being and also to one of the elements. The first chakra (rectum, coccyx) is related to the earth, the second (sacrum, genitals) with water, the third (lumbar spine, navel, solar plexus) with fire, the fourth (thoracic spine, lungs, heart, thymus) with air, the fifth (throat, neck, ears) with ether, the sixth (hypophysis, skull base) with light and intuition, and the seventh (crown, epiphysis) with wisdom and integration. As with the elements, the sensitive field is ideal for relating to the chakras.
The space of knowledge
In SNR, knowledge is only possible when we are beyond the ego and it is no longer the central actor of the mind. As the little me disappears, "something or someone else" listens. What is heard is not conditioned by emotions or preconceptions. Classical yoga considers it "knowledge of a higher order" that arises spontaneously from silence. This practice is reserved for N2 because in N1 it creates an expectation that acts as resistance.
What is NOT considered a "space of knowledge" is all that structured, discriminative and preconceived information. It can be useful or useless, but when it comes to silence, it behaves like resistance.
Dreamy and trance spaces
All kinds of images, stories, fragments between daydream and fantasy often come to us spontaneously, with more or less meaning. In SNR, the dream is used as a knowledge space, with many caveats. Their content is symbolic, the images are not taken literally, and we avoid identifying with them. The meditator feels what he feels while dreaming and also perceives the silence that happens at the same time. He does not actively modify the content of the dream and it becomes a healing instrument.
Trance states are defined as "parallel realities", and not only visual but global. In SNR there could be a special one, which consists of an unstructured, fragmented experience, impossible to systematize. It occurs when the meditator loses all reference. It is not a dangerous or unpleasant state. In fact, it is a state with great healing potential and is very relaxing. With practice, the healer will feel the silence within the trance.
Electromagnetic field
One model of reality, called the "electromagnetic field" (EMF) by Yogi Bhajan, states that the universe is a single continuous field of perception, information, and intelligence. Each one of us would be a particular manifestation of the same field. Every event and every form is a movement of the field. The sounds, the words, the attitudes, the clothing, our actions; anything has significance. Yoga series and mudras are "phrases" that affect the field and achieve a specific effect.
In N2 we learn to recognize EMF as a sensation. Resistance is perceived as a discontinuity or contraction of the flow.
Resonances are about recognizing the impact of healing. It is the most sophisticated aspect of SNR, and it brings together everything learned.
In healing there are important questions: for example, when to stop, either because the relationship is complete, or because the previously stable experience is destabilized. Other times you have to heal superficially or deeply. Sometimes we perceive how an organ other than the individualized one also adjusts... or it becomes misaligned. The relationship could have an impact on family or work relationships… All these issues are addressed in the resonances.
A resonance maneuver is called multiple individualization (IM) or the ability to relate several events at once. Through IM we can, for example, relax a dysfunctional organ giving space to another organ that appears in tune with the first; or investigate strengths that resolve the relationship. Also connect chakras with each other or follow a meridian recognizing its ends. It is widely used to dissolve tenacious resistance.
Sat Nam Rasayan Level 2 offers agility and efficiency to the meditator. It interests people who want to delve into the system. It is designed for those who want to heal in a more intense or professional way. It also offers tools so that the daily relationship with others is more intuitive and effective.
Everything in the material world (including the psyche) has a form. Some have high symbolic power and great energy. Thus, for example, you can use symbolic drawings (yantras), allow sounds of power (mantras), place your hands (mudras) or body in certain gestures or postures (asanas), arrange a certain number of objects (numerology), use stones, sacred objects, and endless possibilities. The healer opens his space, individualizes and limits himself to allowing that form to act, only qualifying the intensity of the relationship.
Elements and Chakras
The Tantras and the Vedas establish that matter is composed of five elements: earth, water, fire, air and ether. Each element has physical and psychological qualities; they are also associated with certain organs and functions. The advantage of elements is that we can feel them.
Land: density, solidity, shape, security, survival, bones, connective tissue.
Water: flexibility, adaptation, humidity, origin of life, creativity, sexuality, emotionality, genito-urinary apparatus, blood and all body fluids.
Fire: vibration, beginning of movement, vitality, stomach, intestines, pancreas, muscles, heart, light, intelligence
Air: movement, circulation, thought, nervous system, prana in the energy channels, breathing, immunity
Ether: it is the empty space where matter sits; it is also any of the other four elements in their most subtle state. It is the silence, the relationship, the communicated, the sound, the art, the dream, the death, the limitless and empty..
The cosmogony of Chakras establishes that the organism is a conglomeration of organs and energy. There are seven pranic centers or chakras; each one is related to specific aspects of the human being and also to one of the elements. The first chakra (rectum, coccyx) is related to the earth, the second (sacrum, genitals) with water, the third (lumbar spine, navel, solar plexus) with fire, the fourth (thoracic spine, lungs, heart, thymus) with air, the fifth (throat, neck, ears) with ether, the sixth (hypophysis, skull base) with light and intuition, and the seventh (crown, epiphysis) with wisdom and integration. As with the elements, the sensitive field is ideal for relating to the chakras.
The space of knowledge
In SNR, knowledge is only possible when we are beyond the ego and it is no longer the central actor of the mind. As the little me disappears, "something or someone else" listens. What is heard is not conditioned by emotions or preconceptions. Classical yoga considers it "knowledge of a higher order" that arises spontaneously from silence. This practice is reserved for N2 because in N1 it creates an expectation that acts as resistance.
What is NOT considered a "space of knowledge" is all that structured, discriminative and preconceived information. It can be useful or useless, but when it comes to silence, it behaves like resistance.
Dreamy and trance spaces
All kinds of images, stories, fragments between daydream and fantasy often come to us spontaneously, with more or less meaning. In SNR, the dream is used as a knowledge space, with many caveats. Their content is symbolic, the images are not taken literally, and we avoid identifying with them. The meditator feels what he feels while dreaming and also perceives the silence that happens at the same time. He does not actively modify the content of the dream and it becomes a healing instrument.
Trance states are defined as "parallel realities", and not only visual but global. In SNR there could be a special one, which consists of an unstructured, fragmented experience, impossible to systematize. It occurs when the meditator loses all reference. It is not a dangerous or unpleasant state. In fact, it is a state with great healing potential and is very relaxing. With practice, the healer will feel the silence within the trance.
Electromagnetic field
One model of reality, called the "electromagnetic field" (EMF) by Yogi Bhajan, states that the universe is a single continuous field of perception, information, and intelligence. Each one of us would be a particular manifestation of the same field. Every event and every form is a movement of the field. The sounds, the words, the attitudes, the clothing, our actions; anything has significance. Yoga series and mudras are "phrases" that affect the field and achieve a specific effect.
In N2 we learn to recognize EMF as a sensation. Resistance is perceived as a discontinuity or contraction of the flow.
Resonances are about recognizing the impact of healing. It is the most sophisticated aspect of SNR, and it brings together everything learned.
In healing there are important questions: for example, when to stop, either because the relationship is complete, or because the previously stable experience is destabilized. Other times you have to heal superficially or deeply. Sometimes we perceive how an organ other than the individualized one also adjusts... or it becomes misaligned. The relationship could have an impact on family or work relationships… All these issues are addressed in the resonances.
A resonance maneuver is called multiple individualization (IM) or the ability to relate several events at once. Through IM we can, for example, relax a dysfunctional organ giving space to another organ that appears in tune with the first; or investigate strengths that resolve the relationship. Also connect chakras with each other or follow a meridian recognizing its ends. It is widely used to dissolve tenacious resistance.